Thursday, April 26, 2007

Veritas "Meet The Authors" Class with ORV Sisters in Crime

The Veritas Society Chapter at Bellamine University in Louisville offered a class in their spring semester entitled "Meet the Authors" and invited Authors from the Ohio River Valley Sisters in Crime to present a session. On April 4, 2997 Low Down and Derby Authors Mike Bradford, Sarah Glenn, Sandra Leonard, Elaine Munsch, Beverle Graves Myers, Brenda Roberson Stewart and I were in Louisvile to meet with Veritas students and talk about our work and the authors that inspire us. It was a great experience and I am very pleased that Veritas has invited us back again.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Link to MotherWise

The results are in and "Interrupted Efforts" is tied for first place in the December MotherWise compitition. Thanks to my grandson's efforts, I have a new mug for my coco and a nice first place certificate to add to my scrapbook.

Indulging my love of microfiction doesn't add much to the bank account, but the contest are fun.